Welcome to the F.A.D.J. Academy with Claire O'shea AKA DJ FADJ

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Hi, I'm Claire!



Hi, I’m Claire aka DJ FADJ!  

I’m a DJ, Entertainment Agent, Coach, Mentor, Mother to 2 daughters & a fur baby “Disco Dougie”....oh and if you haven’t already guessed I’m obsessed with SPARKLE! 🤩

When I was growing up I didn't think I had a single creative bone in my body.  I tried every instrument under the sun but none really stuck with me for long.

But I’ve always loved music. Music has been a great source of comfort for me & when I discovered DJing as a creative outlet, it provided even greater comfort and a sense of achievement when I finally nailed that mix!

When I started performing I truly realised how universal music was and how it connected so many people from all walks of life.

Music has no boundaries and DJing allowed me to express my individuality and creativity, and at the same time bring people together - It’s my favourite part about DJing!

I’ve been Djing for over 15 years and have been so lucky enough to travel the world and perform for some pretty huge brands and artists courtesy of my DJ career, including for the likes of Universal Pictures, Mercedes Benz, Katy Perry & Havana Brown

For the past 4 years I’ve been running a DJ agency designed to support and promote female DJs. I’ve loved working with these artists to both develop their talent and grow their business, and it was through this work that I discovered my true passion - supporting and mentoring aspiring females, kids & teens in their journey to become Fun Awesome DJs! 

The real kicker came as my own daughters entered tweendom, and I became an ambassador for Telethon Speech and Hearing (a not for profit that aims to help children improve and develop their skills in hearing, speech, language & literacy). I began to truly appreciate just how important music is in the ability to express feelings, build confidence, enhance creativity, create bonds and break down social barriers.

I have been truly inspired by my girls and seeing how intuitive and responsive kids are to music , that I found myself back behind the decks (and the laptop) to create F.A.D.J. Academy’s first Youth DJ Program -  Ministry of Fun DJ School! And the rest, as they say, is history.
